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BLACK FRIDAY: Amazon Fire Kids Pro 10"
BLACK FRIDAY: Amazon Fire Kids Pro 10"

Here's where you'll find all the latest news about technology for children. We love to follow cool new inventions on Kickstarter and we hunt out all the latest announcements about tech toys and gadgets for the coming Christmas holidays. You'll also get our take on children's technology stories in the media.
Our kids technology product reviews are intended to help you work out whether a toy, gadget or kit is a good fit for your child or family.
There's lots of cool stuff available, but is it the right choice for the child or teenager that you are buying for?
We'll help you make the right choices and get the best value for money.
GIFT GUIDES$show=/search/label/gift%20guide
Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends assemble. We create gift lists to help you make good choices for kids technology which helps them develop the right skills for the future. We research the best in Coding Toys and Games, Making / Craft Tools and Kits, STEM/STEAM related gifts, Programmable Robots, Electronics Kits and Gadgets for Tech Age Kids and Teens.
Get crafty with technology. Here we'll post all our ideas and projects using technology to get creative and making with kids. You'll find anything from making a lemon battery to a glow-in-the-dark Minecraft sword. Our projects are tried and tested on our own kids or at events we run, so we are sure you can have a go at home with your kids. Some of our projects use specific tech gadgets which we provide links for you to purchase.
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. In recent years there is an increased focus in these areas of study. We like to include Art and Design too, so we often talk about STEAM (A stands for Art). At Tech Age Kids we believe Coding is a new literacy and children need to understand how technology works, practice making skills and grow in their curiosity to make a better future for us all.
Coding is increasingly being recognised as an important skill for children to learn. Some will learn to code at school or at a coding club, but it's brilliant if they get support at home too.
We think it's really important for kids to get hands-on with electronics and learn how to make circuits and write code to control hardware.
Younger kids can start with conductive playdough. For kids who like to combine craft and tech, littleBits are fab. And we love SAM Labs wireless electronics components for making it easy for kids to make Internet of Things inventions.
Lots of electronics kits for kids have support for the Arduino microprocessor environment. The DuinoKit Jr is one of our favourites. Arduino is a fab skill for older kids and teens to develop.
We love robots at Tech Age Kids, especially programmable ones. We've got lots of them and write reviews and projects that use them.
Our programmable robots for kids buying guide is a good place to start if you're not sure what's available.
Roby the mBot Meccano robot dog is one of our popular projects and has been with us to lots of events. Our Ozobot LEGO trailer is fab for kids who love LEGO and robots.
MAKING AND CRAFT$show=/search/label/making
We're advocates of the creative use of technology, but this needs to be balanced with developing physical skills such as papercraft, woodwork, clay modelling, technical drawing and soldering. If children don't develop these skills as they grow up then physical making projects can become frustrating rather than fun.
The Maker Community uses the term 'making' as a broad term to include all sorts of artisan skills or craft activities. Being able to make things can lead to life-long hobbies or even careers. It's a great feeling to be able to take a project from an idea in your head to a real object that does something.
We're particularly interested to explore products that combine maker skills with tech skills such as electronics but others focus purely on the physical making skills that are still important to modern making.
micro:bit in Wonderland is a project book for the BBC micro:bit inspired by the classic story of a little girl named Alice. (Read the story behind why we wrote it.) Her journey in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, provide a perfect backdrop to learn coding and craft skills through project-based learning.
“Why,” said the Dodo, “the best way to explain it is to do it.” Come down the rabbit hole and modernise the White Rabbit’s pocket watch, program the Lobster Quadrille dance, create an anger monitor for the Queen of Hearts and lots more!
Create 12 interactive projects, inspired by Lewis Carroll’s classic story Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and learn how to program the BBC micro:bit mini computer using block-based coding. Gradually build modern skills as you learn about wearables, electronic games, e-textiles, electronics circuits, digital music, animation and much more.
The projects are suitable for beginners aged 9 and over (including teens and adults). Younger children will require adult assistance, whereas older learners can work more independently using the easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions with colour illustrations and photographs. Additional instructions, templates and bonus content are available to make things easy for parents and teachers.
The hands-on projects use simple, inexpensive electronics and everyday household and craft materials. The book provides a playful introduction for families new to coding, electronics and the BBC micro:bit. As you make each project you will develop important creative and computational thinking skills to enable you to imagine, design and create your own projects.
On the Tech Age Kids website you’ll find approachable project ideas, news and reviews of the latest educational and creative kid tech products and advice on digital parenting issues.
We send out a monthly email with all the latest content from the Tech Age Kids blog.
The print book is available from Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Canada and Wordery.
*First edition published January 2018. Second edition, updated with New MakeCode editor screenshots, published February 2019.
Please send your feedback and comments to
Project 1 - Project 2 - Project 3 - Project 4 - Project 5 - Project 7 - Project 9 - Project 10 - Project 12
The Bonus Projects are three stand-alone projects for the BBC micro:bit providing a flavour of the style and approach for the projects in the book micro:bit in Wonderland. The booklet includes the templates for the projects. They are free to download and use for non-commercial purposes. Please attribute Tech Age Kids if you share the projects.
A Workshop Pack available to purchase for £8. The pack contains additional content to run the Bonus Projects as a workshop in a school, library, makerspace or coding club. (3D printing content included!)
Click below to download the FREE digital bonus projects and find out more about running your own micro:bit in Wonderland workshop.
"As a Mum with a limited computer background, I often feel left behind by my children's computer knowledge. This book provides a brilliant way of engaging with my child to be creative and learn new coding skills together. Using the story of Alice in Wonderland as the context, along with the clear instructions, makes the projects easy to follow and enjoyable to make. If I can do this, anyone can!"
Anne Wan, teacher, children’s book author and mother of three
"I really enjoyed the activities - my favourite was the croquet." Bethany (aged 11)
“Tech Age Kids have created an engaging, inspiring and visually beautiful activity book that is an absolute asset for classrooms and families alike. Teaching and playing with children in ways that incorporate technology and develop their coding skills will bring them a lot of fun now and better prepare them for the world of tomorrow.”
Jane Moody, Drift Education IT Services
"When I first heard about the micro:bit I was fairly underwhelmed and wondered how much you could really do with 25 red LEDs and a few inputs. How wrong I was! I absolutely love the creativity of this book. Tracy and Elbrie have brought together a unique combination of skills to develop these incredible projects that most of us couldn't even dream of. I would have loved a book like this at the age of 10 or 11 (or even older!) and although the projects will appeal to both boys and girls I think this book could be a significant tool for engaging this generation of young girls with computing."
Sian January, software engineer and mother of two
"The Alice theme works well, and the integration of crafting is a great way to elevate even the simplest projects into something quite special."
Sean McManus, author of 'Cool Scratch Projects in Easy Steps'
“When we were presented with the draft of this book it was a delight to explore. It is coherent, concise and comprehensive. It takes the readers on a learning journey but in a way that is full of fun activities, set in the context of a timeless story that is known and loved around the world.”
Gareth James, Chief of Education and Strategy, Micro:bit Education Foundation
"Lewis Carroll, aka Charles Dodgson, was an inventive genius who has caught the imagination of generations of children all over the world in his Alice’s Adventures books. In their ‘micro:bit in Wonderland’ book, Tracy Gardner and Elbrie de Kock draw on that tradition and bring it graphically into the digital era. They skillfully appeal to young learners’ imaginations and creativity, while giving them the digital tools they need to take control. The chapters skilfully blend together practical craftwork using familiar materials with the pervasive 21st Century electronic tools on which we are increasingly reliant. The clear and simple style of the text demystifies the processes involved and places them firmly in the grasp of primary school children. Anyone, young or old, who has completed the projects in this book will be very well placed to create their own inventions. I thoroughly recommend this book, and I also look very much look forward to reading more from these talented authors."
Prof. Adrian Oldknow, Founder of the Cambridge Centre for Innovation in Technological Education
Adafruit Blog
QA Education Headteachers Magazine
Coding & Craft with the BBC micro:bit
“Why,” said the Dodo, “the best way to explain it is to do it.” Come down the rabbit hole and modernise the White Rabbit’s pocket watch, program the Lobster Quadrille dance, create an anger monitor for the Queen of Hearts and lots more!
Create 12 interactive projects, inspired by Lewis Carroll’s classic story Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and learn how to program the BBC micro:bit mini computer using block-based coding. Gradually build modern skills as you learn about wearables, electronic games, e-textiles, electronics circuits, digital music, animation and much more.
The projects are suitable for beginners aged 9 and over (including teens and adults). Younger children will require adult assistance, whereas older learners can work more independently using the easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions with colour illustrations and photographs. Additional instructions, templates and bonus content are available to make things easy for parents and teachers.
The hands-on projects use simple, inexpensive electronics and everyday household and craft materials. The book provides a playful introduction for families new to coding, electronics and the BBC micro:bit. As you make each project you will develop important creative and computational thinking skills to enable you to imagine, design and create your own projects.
About the Authors
Tracy Gardner has a PhD in Computer Science and Elbrie de Kock has an Interior Design degree. They both love making with craft and tech and are advocates for the STEAM and Maker movements which aim to develop skills relevant to modern children. They hope micro:bit in Wonderland offers a springboard to develop modern skills, understand the digital world around you and explore technology and electronics in a creative way.About Tech Age Kids
Tech Age Kids writes content for parents and educators to help them guide kids towards constructive and creative uses of technology. We believe that modern kids should develop skills in coding, electronics and design so that they can understand the present and make the future. We’re advocates of the STEAM, Maker and Digital Making movements.On the Tech Age Kids website you’ll find approachable project ideas, news and reviews of the latest educational and creative kid tech products and advice on digital parenting issues.
We send out a monthly email with all the latest content from the Tech Age Kids blog.
Where can I buy the book
Your Local Shop
Our book is sold across the world and we would love it if you could support your local supplier wherever possible. Here is a growing list of where to find our book.United Kingdom & Europe
United States & Canada
COMING SOONAustralia, New Zealand & Others
Online Retailers
The digital copy of the book is available for purchase direct from our website. If you tick the box, to receive future updates in the checkout, we'll email you an updated copy when new editions are published*.The print book is available from Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Canada and Wordery.
*First edition published January 2018. Second edition, updated with New MakeCode editor screenshots, published February 2019.
Spread the Love
If you purchased our book, please leave a review on the online shop you purchased the book from.Please send your feedback and comments to
Templates for Projects
All printable paper/card templates, 3D printing files and templates for craft and laser cutters are available to download. (3d printing and craft cutter templates coming soon!)
Project 1 - Project 2 - Project 3 - Project 4 - Project 5 - Project 7 - Project 9 - Project 10 - Project 12
Tools and Materials for Projects
You'll need the following resources and components to complete the projects:- a micro:bit with a long USB cable and battery pack (starter kits available) or loan a micro:bit from your local library;
- a computer to program the micro:bit (desktop/laptop/Chromebook/Raspberry Pi/mobile device);
- the editor which is free to use and runs in a web browser (no download or installation required);
- electronics components (kits are available);
- craft materials (many of which you will already have at home or school); and
- a copy of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (available as a free download).
Kits for the Book
We have collaborated with a number of companies to create a specific kit with electronic components for the book. Find a kit in your country below.United Kingdom
Basic Kit from Cool Components or Amazon UKUnited States & Canada
COMING SOONAustralia, New Zealand & Other
COMING SOONBonus Projects Booklet
The Bonus Projects are three stand-alone projects for the BBC micro:bit providing a flavour of the style and approach for the projects in the book micro:bit in Wonderland. The booklet includes the templates for the projects. They are free to download and use for non-commercial purposes. Please attribute Tech Age Kids if you share the projects.
A Workshop Pack available to purchase for £8. The pack contains additional content to run the Bonus Projects as a workshop in a school, library, makerspace or coding club. (3D printing content included!)
Click below to download the FREE digital bonus projects and find out more about running your own micro:bit in Wonderland workshop.
Reviews and Feedback
"As a Mum with a limited computer background, I often feel left behind by my children's computer knowledge. This book provides a brilliant way of engaging with my child to be creative and learn new coding skills together. Using the story of Alice in Wonderland as the context, along with the clear instructions, makes the projects easy to follow and enjoyable to make. If I can do this, anyone can!"
Anne Wan, teacher, children’s book author and mother of three
"I really enjoyed the activities - my favourite was the croquet." Bethany (aged 11)
“Tech Age Kids have created an engaging, inspiring and visually beautiful activity book that is an absolute asset for classrooms and families alike. Teaching and playing with children in ways that incorporate technology and develop their coding skills will bring them a lot of fun now and better prepare them for the world of tomorrow.”
Jane Moody, Drift Education IT Services
"When I first heard about the micro:bit I was fairly underwhelmed and wondered how much you could really do with 25 red LEDs and a few inputs. How wrong I was! I absolutely love the creativity of this book. Tracy and Elbrie have brought together a unique combination of skills to develop these incredible projects that most of us couldn't even dream of. I would have loved a book like this at the age of 10 or 11 (or even older!) and although the projects will appeal to both boys and girls I think this book could be a significant tool for engaging this generation of young girls with computing."
Sian January, software engineer and mother of two
"The Alice theme works well, and the integration of crafting is a great way to elevate even the simplest projects into something quite special."
Sean McManus, author of 'Cool Scratch Projects in Easy Steps'
“When we were presented with the draft of this book it was a delight to explore. It is coherent, concise and comprehensive. It takes the readers on a learning journey but in a way that is full of fun activities, set in the context of a timeless story that is known and loved around the world.”
Gareth James, Chief of Education and Strategy, Micro:bit Education Foundation
"Lewis Carroll, aka Charles Dodgson, was an inventive genius who has caught the imagination of generations of children all over the world in his Alice’s Adventures books. In their ‘micro:bit in Wonderland’ book, Tracy Gardner and Elbrie de Kock draw on that tradition and bring it graphically into the digital era. They skillfully appeal to young learners’ imaginations and creativity, while giving them the digital tools they need to take control. The chapters skilfully blend together practical craftwork using familiar materials with the pervasive 21st Century electronic tools on which we are increasingly reliant. The clear and simple style of the text demystifies the processes involved and places them firmly in the grasp of primary school children. Anyone, young or old, who has completed the projects in this book will be very well placed to create their own inventions. I thoroughly recommend this book, and I also look very much look forward to reading more from these talented authors."
Prof. Adrian Oldknow, Founder of the Cambridge Centre for Innovation in Technological Education
Press & Media
Please contact Elbrie at Tech Age Kids for more information about micro:bit in Wonderland. Download a press release here and sample pages from the book here. High res images are available.In the Media
Adafruit Blog
QA Education Headteachers Magazine
In 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' Alice finds a key+then looks for a door that it might open. Let's see what happened next! @WorldBookDayUK @DonheadEnglish @microbit_edu @TechAgeKids @whaleygeek @LewisCarrollSoc #microbit #physicalcomputing #whatitaughttoday #FridayFeeling— DonheadComputing (@DonheadComput) February 23, 2018
A highlight of the @Bett_show has to be when David Cuartielles, Co-founder & head of education at @arduino paid us a visit! We hope he enjoys his copy of #Microbit in Wonderland! #BettShow2018— CBiS Education (@cbiseducation) January 29, 2018
/fa-fire/ MONTH TRENDING$type=list
The Google Interland web app is a brilliant tool to help children connect with the internet as a useful tool in a safe and positive way....
At Tech Age Kids we've been testing and writing about kids coding toys for over 10 years. This post is our round up of the current optio...
I asked my kids what they wanted to do, other than playing Minecraft, over a long weekend. Not that I didn't want them playing Minecraf...
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- leappad 2
- leappad ultra
- leappad2
- leapreader
- learning
- learning resources
- learning tablet
- learning tablets
- leds
- lego
- lego boost
- lego chain reactions
- lego mindstorms ev3
- lego power functions
- lego technic
- lego wedo
- let's start coding
- lights
- lightseekers
- little kids
- littlebits
- logiblocs
- logic
- logical thinking
- loom
- machines
- magnetic
- make it
- makeblock
- makedo
- maker
- makey makey
- making
- mardles
- mars
- mars rover
- marty
- math
- maths
- mbot
- mbot ranger
- me arm
- meccano
- meccanoid
- meccanoid 2.0
- merge vr
- mews
- michael faraday
- micro:bit
- microbit
- microcontroller
- microscope
- microsoft
- middle school
- miles kelly
- mindstorms
- minecraft
- minecraft mods
- mixed reality
- mobile
- modular electronics
- monsters university
- morse code
- mothers day
- motion capture
- motors
- mover kit
- movie
- movies
- mu
- mu toys
- munzee
- music
- my first robot
- national dog day
- nature
- new
- new year
- news
- news coding
- nikola tesla
- nintendo
- nintendo switch
- ohbot
- ollie
- on the web
- opinion
- origami
- osmo
- outdoors
- ouya
- ozobot
- papercraft
- paperwhite
- parental controls
- parenting
- parrot
- pc
- people
- pet tech
- pets
- phone
- photography
- photon
- physics
- pi day
- picks
- pimoroni
- pinoccio
- pixel kit
- pixelart
- play
- playstation 4
- plezmo
- pocket code
- pocket money
- pokemon
- pokemon go
- poll
- pre order
- pre-teens
- prehistory
- preschoolers
- primary
- printable
- products
- professor einstein
- programming
- project
- projects
- puzzles
- python
- racing
- raspberry pi
- reading
- reivew
- remote control
- research
- resource
- resources
- retro
- review
- rights
- robot
- robot dog
- robot fish
- robot wars
- roboticals
- robotics
- robots
- role models
- role play
- romo
- romotive
- root
- rover
- safety
- sam labs
- samuel morse
- sandbox
- schools
- science
- scratch
- scratchjr
- screen time
- screenless
- screens
- sensors
- servos
- simbrix
- skills
- skylanders
- skylanders superchargers
- skylanders swap force
- smart pens
- smartphone
- smartwatch
- snap circuits
- social media
- solar power
- soldering
- sonic pi
- sony koov
- sound
- space
- sparki
- speaker
- speech sythesis
- sphero
- sphero mini
- spider
- star wars
- stars
- stem
- stikbot
- stop motion
- stop motion studio
- storage
- story
- strawbees
- students
- subscription
- subscriptions
- sugru
- summer
- swift
- tablet
- tablets
- tangible coding
- tech
- tech age
- tech craft
- tech is bad
- tech is good
- tech toys
- tech will save us
- technology
- technology will save us
- teens
- teknikio
- tekno
- teksta
- tenka labs
- tesla
- textiles
- thames & kosmos
- the extraordinaires
- tim berners lee
- tinkercad
- tinybop
- toddlers
- toot-toot
- top pick
- touch
- toy
- toys
- travelling
- TV
- tween
- tweens
- tynker
- typing
- ux
- vehicles
- videos
- view-master
- views
- virtual reality
- voice assistants
- voice recognition
- vr
- vtech
- web
- websites
- wifi
- wii
- wii u
- windows 8
- wonder workshop
- wowwee
- writing
- writing. education
- xbox one
- xyzprinting